LDM-V插入式除塵器 Pulg-in Dust Colletor
風量范圍: 1,000至5,000 m3/小時(600至3,000 CFM)
Volume: 1,000-5,000 m3/h(600-3,000 CFM)
? 除塵效率達99.9% High efficiency, reach to 99.9%
? 冷軋板制作,經嚴格防腐措施,堅固耐用 Made by cold-rolled sheet with anti-corrosion process, Sturdy and Durable
? 一體式機型,機構緊湊 Integrated model making Compact structure
? 從潔凈面進行所有操作維護 Simple and clean operation & maintenance
? 全自動控制,無人工作業 Full automatic control, without manual operation
? 可正壓使用,也可選配風機作風送 Apply to positive and negative pressure condition
? 皮帶機、提升機或刮板機等傳送、轉運系統Conveyer or transit system, such as belt conveyor, bucket elevator or Scraper conveyor
? 倉儲料倉物料氣力輸送泄壓系統 Storage house, decompression system
? 粉碎機、攪拌機及投料口的粉塵控制 Dust control for pulverizer ,agitator and feeder nose
? 料斗或煤倉 Hopper or bunker